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Explaining through Comics

Comixplain promotes student-centred teaching and learning. As students vary in their previous knowledge and preferences, we propose alternative didactic materials to cater to individual learning processes. We propose a novel storytelling-based strategy to engage students in learning complex scientific subjects through comics.


Comixplain is a project developed at Sankt Pölten University of Applied Sciences (STPUAS), Austria, and funded by the STPUAS' Innovation Call 2022.

User Guide

We have prepared a helping guide from Comixplain to support lecturers and instructors. Our intent with this guide is to help you better understand comics and how to create them.

[English Version] [German Version]

Attribute Types

Central Tendency

Mathematical Thinking

Primitive Types

Community Contributions

Comixplain is a modular solution. Editable files are available in our repository, allowing you to use the stories as they are or to adapt them according to your needs. You can even use the provided assets to create your own stories from scratch. We encourage you to share any adaptation you make of our stories under the same licensing scheme.

See Comixplain derivatives in our repository

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